Our government is failing miserably in fulfilling its primary responsibility. That is to keep us safe. “They” are the elected representatives, and our unelected bureaucracy. Danger lurks everywhere we go, in everything we do, and everywhere we look. Most of our problems could be solved by a group of serious, concerned, senior high school civics students. The truth is that those we elect to make those decisions to keep us safe are not concerned. They are serious, even dedicated, to subverting the values, and ruining the lives of the citizens of the USA.
They knew what would happen when they chose to stop enforcing existing immigration laws on our southern border. They might not have known how many million people would come into our country illegally. They hoped it would be multiple millions. Because they stopped enforcing laws, over 100,000 Americans died last year from opioid overdoses, 70% of those from Fentanyl. A few more that 200 people a day are dying from Fentanyl poisoning. That is the equivalent of a passenger jet crashing every day! It is the number one cause of death for Americans between the ages of 18 and 45. I could cry when I think of the number of innocent children being sold into the illicit sex trade by smugglers. These kids aren’t just numbers. They are somebody’s children and grandchildren. Millions of illegal aliens will put a strain on education services. They will fill emergency rooms at hospitals. That will add to the time it takes for citizens to see a medical professional. A growing number of American citizens are being victimized by illegal aliens. “They” knew Americans would be put at risk. They don’t care.
Didn’t we all know what would happen when law enforcers stopped arresting, and prosecuting, thugs who steal under $950 dollars of merchandise from retail stores? Everyone knew that crime would increase once criminals knew they wouldn’t be prosecuted for committing any of a long list of offenses. What would happen once thugs understood they would not have to post a cash bail? Would they be deterred once they knew that an arrest would result no more than a 24 hour incarceration? How much safer would citizens be if their city reduced the size of the police force? Any middle school student knows the answer to the above questions. Big cities all over the country have done all of the above. The result is both predictable and dangerous. Crime victims became villains while criminals are treated as victims. “They” know. They don’t care.
This next example is not so much about, they don’t care. It is more about setting an inept, feckless, example of how NOT to be a public servant. In 2020-21 grocery shelves were becoming increasingly bare. We were facing the worst interruption of the supply chain in memory. Cargo ships were backed up from Los Angeles to Beijing. The transportation of commerce was halted. Then we dealt with a potential rail strike. Transportation was of commerce was threatened again. Next, the travel industry was disrupted when Southwest Air’s computers didn’t function properly. Then it was shut down completely when the FAA’s computers went dark. We watched as flyers lives are risked, weekly, by multiple near collisions at airports. Yep, transportation. We are now watching as the latest of many train derailments this year is literally threatening the lives of Americans in East Palestine, Ohio. Still transportation. Notice the recurring theme? Not to worry. We have a Secretary of Transportation we pay $221,000 a year, not counting perks, who is charged with keeping planes, trains, trucks, and cargo ships, moving safely and efficiently. Sadly, it is easier for a 2 year old to find Waldo than it is for Americans to find Pete Buttigieg. During the supply chain crisis Pete took a 60 day paternity leave to be with his husband and the twins they had just adopted. President Biden didn’t think Pete was capable of negotiating with the railroads, so he did it himself. Joe thought he was more able than Pete. Let that sink in. During the airline debacle that caused millions of Americans to lose some of their Christmas vacation, Pete was in Portugal. And right now, as people are terrified out of their minds in East Palestine, nobody has seen, and few have heard, from the Transportation Secretary. Even in a Cabinet populated with misfits, malcontents, failures, and ne’er-do-wells, Pete’s incompetence stands out. There is no industry in the world that would allow this kind of failure to persist.
I continue this blog with a short discussion of the number of people who will starve, or be driven into poverty, because “they” announced the war on fossil fuels. America sets atop a multiple centuries supply of inexpensive coal, natural gas, and oil. By refusing to capture these God-given natural resources everything we purchase, everything, has increased in price. Prices will continue to go up as long as this insane war on fossil fuels continues. In the U.S., that means more people will become poor, and the poor will get poorer. It will mean starvation for millions of people in impoverished nations. This could still be prevented. “They” had to know what this policy would mean to the citizens of the world. We are left with but one possible conclusion. They understand that a zero carbon emission world will create poverty, deprivation, and death. They don’t care. That is their goal.
I hope you found my latest blog interesting and informative. If so, please share it with your friends. Thank you, Bob
“The sky is falling! The sky is falling! The sky is falling!”
It is unfortunate that fiction is becoming reality.
Sadly things have not gotten bad enough for people to start connecting the dots. They still believe the lies that the politicians spew and the media never question.
That was the conclusion I came up with after the last election. People are not pissed off enough to demand change. Until that happens we will continue our death spiral toward socialism. Keep up the fight.