I am not an alarmist. Though I have been called a Chicken Little. I am not a member of any political party. I am an unabashed conservative, and a realist. I am a very positive person. I read multiple newspapers and watch many different cable shows on multiple networks every week. I don’t pretend to be Nostradamus, Kreskin, or even Carnac, when it comes to reading the future. I am very good at understanding how current and past events affect current situations. We Americans are at a crossword. Events of the next couple of years will determine if we take the road to the left, socialism, or the road to the right, and remain relatively free. If we stay on cruise control we will assuredly take the left turn. As of right now the American people still have the power to choose which fork in the road they will take.
So what events have occurred that could result in the loss of our freedoms. The most significant event that has allowed the drip, drip, drip, of the socialist movement is the abdication of the responsibility of the “free press”. Our Founders recognized that men being men, politicians would ultimately become corrupt if there were no watchdogs of their activities. These are the times our Founding Fathers fretted about. Therefore they inserted the freedom of the press as part of the First Amendment to our Constitution. It is the obligation of the press to make sure government actions pass the smell test. If they don’t, it is the responsibility of the press to inform the people. For the better part of the first 200 years of our country’s existence they performed this duty consistently, if not admirably. For the last 30 to 40 years, for reasons I can’t figure, our “free press” has chosen to get into bed with the Progressive Left. Initially their bias was not easy to detect. It may have appeared in an innocent looking slant on the headline of a news story. In a recent example, articles printed by the Washington Post about the abortion law passed in Texas appeared to be written by pro-choice writers. What if instead of: “Supreme Court refuses to block Texas law,” it had said: “Supreme Court takes side of the unborn”? The difference would not have mattered one bit to the pro-choice, or pro-life advocates. They have both dug in their heals. But how might the millions of undecideds have reacted? This kind of soft bias happens daily, and usually goes undetected, but has a real influence on people’s thinking.
Hard bias was rarely seen before the turn of the century. Media executives were proud of their special status, and were fierce about protecting that position. Being human they of course were biased. But they worked hard to not let that bias show. It is a weekly occurrence today. We have seen live video of a CNN newsperson telling us that the protests he was reporting on were mostly peaceful. We could see, with our own eyes, that parts of the city were on fire right behind him. There are dozens of Americans in jail following their entering federal buildings, or standing near them, in D.C. on 1/6/2021. Foolish yes. Illegal yes. But “insurrectionists” as the press has called them, hardly. Police have not found, and journalists have not reported on, any weapons carried by the citizens. When is the last time you heard, or read, about an insurrection led by people carrying signs? I don’t know which is more galling. Their lying to our face, or their thinking we are all idiots. We have watched as the White House press corps allows President Biden to walk away following a press conference without answering questions after 13 of our service members were killed. The press corps would not have allowed any republican President to get away with such blatant disregard for them or the American people. They would have excoriated any republican with blistering front page articles the next day. Not with this President. Our country is on fire because of multiple Biden screwups and most of the press continues to give him a pass. America is in grave danger when the Constitutional watchdog decides to become a democratic lapdog.
Had the 2020 election occurred in say 1980, or 1990, Biden would not have been allowed to campaign from his basement. An unbiased media would have wondered out loud how the democrats could hold a 4 day convention, during which many of our largest cities were being burned and looted, without even mentioning it. ONCE! The press would have demanded that he answer serious questions. They would have reported on his cognitive difficulties. The New York Post report about Hunter Biden’s laptop would not have been squelched by social, and main street, media. They would have asked hard questions about Hunter’s deal with the Ukraine. Reporters would have been following up on reports about the Biden’s cashing in on their China connections. I have no idea if they would have found anything. I know an aggressive investigation was warranted. How could he have screwed up the Afghanistan withdrawal this badly? Is nobody worried about how we are going to vet tens of thousands of Afghans, now in our country, many of whom have no papers or IDs? How can we continue to tell Americans to mask up? How can we pay no attention to the science and keep our kids out of school, or masked if they go to school? How can we continue to punish hard working business owners by not allowing unvaccinated citizens to enter their businesses? All of this while allowing hundreds of thousands of illegals to cross our borders without a clue if they have been vaccinated, or are carrying the COVID virus. Why should we believe them when they tell us of the seriousness of COVID? What about the additional drugs coming across the border? Is nobody concerned about the increase in opioid deaths? Why didn’t the press ask hard hitting questions about our shutting down oil and gas production just months before begging Russia and Saudi Arabia to pump more oil to keep our gas prices down? Isn’t it smarter to pay Americans good wages than to give that money to countries that want to kill us? Why aren’t these questions being asked? These are all questions with Pulitzer Prize winning potential. Yet they go unasked, unanswered, unresearched, and unreported, by the constitutionally favored “free press”.
There is an old saying that goes something like this: When you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas. The media has decided to lie down with Progressives and push their socialistic programs. They have decided to blatantly lie and cover up the messes made by democrats. They are now scratching their heads (perhaps it’s the fleas) as to why their approval ratings are near historical lows. Few people trust them. I don’t see how they can reverse this trend. Frankly, I don’t care. I hope that those of us who care about the future of our country wise up. Stop listening to NPR. Stop watching ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN. Stop reading the USA Today, and any other liberal newspaper. Which sadly is most newspapers. They are all lying to you, Do your own research. If you are not aware of a newspaper by the name of The Epoch Times I strongly suggest you take a look. It is a weekly newspaper and they do a really good job. Don’t listen to what your elected representatives say. Watch what they do. If they vote for the PRO Act, The For the People ACT, or any other bloated government program do NOT vote for them next November!! If they have been in office for more than 12 years do NOT reelect them. Find a bright new conservative candidate to run in the primary. Then work like hell to elect the bright new face. We can do this if we lock arms and work together. I read once that a single bee doesn’t scare anyone. But when millions of them get together even the bravest run in fear. What terrifies our government more than anything else is the thought of millions of us getting together.
Thank you for taking the time to read my words. If you found them interesting please tell your friends. Bob