If It Looks Like A Duck, Walks Like A Duck, and Quacks Like A Duck . . . .

There are a couple of old sayings that describe what the American people are about to endure over the next 8 weeks. 1. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck. 2. You can put all of the lipstick you want on a pig, but at the end of the day, it’s still a pig. The press/media (PM) has begun the most aggressive political cover-up/relabeling of a candidate in my lifetime. They are in the process of taking a candidate whose values are deeply socialistic, repackage her, and convince us she is really a moderate centrist. They intend to take Kamala, slap a few tubes of lipstick on her, and assure us she is a champion of Democracy. We must remain vigilant in remembering that just a couple of months ago this same PM was imploring the Dems to remove her from the ticket. Now, they are willing, even eager, to obfuscate facts in order to help Kamala Harris get elected President. They are keenly aware that Harris’ beliefs are diametrically opposed to what most Americans want for themselves and their progeny. Our Founding Fathers would be rolling over in their graves if they knew how today’s “journalists” have bastardized their profession and forgotten their duty to the American people.

Every freedom loving American should be aware of the following before casting their ballots for Kamala Harris. In 2019, the ACLU sent a questionnaire for all Democrat Presidential candidates to complete. Harris completed some of the questions as follows: 1. She said she would stop detaining illegals who crossed the border. She has been largely successful at doing that as VP. 2. She favored decriminalizing the possession of all illegal drugs. 3. She said she would reduce funding for many of the responsibilities that fall under the purview of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, (ICE). 4. She said she would follow up the law she helped pass in California that provided taxpayer funding for “gender-transitioning” surgery to include federal prisoners. But that didn’t go far enough for her. 5. She also said she would provide taxpayer funded “gender-transitioning” surgeries for ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS! Were you aware of any of this? I only became aware of it while doing research for this blog. There can’t be 15% of the American population who would support those policies. The PM will do its level best to ensure the American people do not become aware.

Kamala’s ads prove that she thinks the American people are blithering idiots. She promises to fix the long list of gut-wrenching problems. Problems that she and Biden created. She says in one ad: “Prices are too high, and people can’t afford to buy homes.” No s**t Sherlock. Because of the Biden/Harris policies, many millions of Americans are in crisis. Too many senior citizens, and others on fixed incomes, are being forced to decide whether to cut back on meds, or on food. That our President/Vice President could willfully do such a thing to the most vulnerable among us should disqualify them from public office. Any office.

Polite people call Kamala’s constantly changing policy positions, flip flops. When it comes to the safety and freedom of my children and grandchildren, and the future of my country, I refuse to be polite. She is a liar. Within a week of Trump’s announcement that he would exempt service worker’s tips from the clutches of income tax, Kamala literally copied his plan. I would have given her 1,000 atta girls for that decision had she not cast the deciding vote that will ultimately lead to tips being taxed. If she wins in November, you can forget what she says. Service employee’s tips WILL be taxed.

Three big lies that threaten the freedom of all Americans. Harris has repeatedly called for more government registration of firearms. More registration will provide a comprehensive list of gun owners leading ultimately to a government sponsored buyback (confiscation) of firearms. When questioned about her stance on gun control she glibly responded that she owns a gun. The PM says, good enough for me, next question. She says now that she is not in favor of banning “fracking” and that her position on fracking is clear and unchanged. Yet, in a 2019 CNN Town Hall meeting she said there was “no question I’m in favor of banning fracking”. Harris, being a student of socialism, understands that she will not have to actually ban fracking. She can bury those who would frack in paperwork and permitting processes and punish anyone who would provide funding to them. A compliant PM will hide these facts so that the good people of Pennsylvania will never know what hit them. Lastly, Kamala insists she is not in favor of getting rid of private insurance in favor of a government run Medicare for all. In a 2019 Democrat debate the candidates were asked for a show of hands of those who would get rid of private health insurance. Harris raised her hand. In fact, earlier in 2019, Harris co-sponsored the “Medicare for All” bill with fellow socialist Bernie Sanders. That bill would have ended private health insurance. She is lying. Socialists demand government control over every aspect of the people’s lives. Please take a minute to reflect on what our lives will be like if the government usurps the 2nd Amendment and takes away our guns, reduces the amount of fossil fuels we produce, and takes control of our health care.

Last weekend, Bernie Sanders was asked if he was concerned about Kamala’s (false) drift toward the center. The self-proclaimed socialist said, and I am paraphrasing: She is being very pragmatic. She is saying the things she thinks she needs to say in order to win this election. I am not concerned. She is still a Progressive (socialist). If it looks like a duck . . . . .

In March of 2021, President Biden charged VP Harris with stemming the flow of illegal immigrants into our country. Something between 8-12 million illegals have entered the USA since then. She has visited the border ONCE! Some ineptitude we might shrug off. But her lack of attention has been heart-rending, even deadly. First, the heart-rending side. A report released last month by the Homeland Security Inspector General stated that, under the tutelage of Kamala Harris, 320,000 illegal immigrant children who entered this country without an adult have gone missing. They simply don’t know where these children have gone. We should each pray that these innocents haven’t fallen into the clutches of the evil child sex traders. We would be incredibly naive to think that none of them have. I could cry.

Now for a different perspective on the number of Americans who have died thanks to Kamala’s lack of interest in the border. The CDC reported that in 2023 there were 81,000 American deaths due to opioid overdoses. The vast majority of those opioids entered our country from China, via Mexico, crossing our southern border. It is the #1 cause of death for Americans between the ages of 16-46. For perspective, we can all remember what happened when the door blew off a Boeing 737 Max 9 airliner. Nobody died, there were just a few injuries. Still, within hours, all 737 Max 9 planes were grounded. The Boeing 737 Max 9 has a passenger capacity of 220 people. If one Boeing 737 Max 9 plane crashed every day for a year it would equal (approximately) the number of Americans who died of fentanyl overdoses. And Kamala Harris dithers. Is she the person you want in charge of anything? Really?

The above is but a few of Kamala policies the PM will be working 24/7 over the next 2 months to hide, deny, or relabel. She has repeatedly called for the defunding of police. While her running mate was busy putting Tampon machines in all Jr. and Sr. high school boy’s bathrooms, and allowing his largest city to burn, Kamala was raising funds to get those who started the fires out of jail. She would put boys into those traditional girl’s “safe spaces” known as girl’s bathrooms and locker rooms. She would force high schools and colleges to allow boys/men to compete with and against girls/women on sports teams. If the American people become aware of the above facts, Harris would have zero chance of being elected. There is little doubt about that. (Imagine a resume so shallow on accomplishments that you had to lie about being an employee at McDonalds)! The PM views it as their duty to be sure that we remain ignorant. It has already started. The only remaining question is, will a sufficient number of Americans be fooled into voting for her? It is the responsibility of every patriotic American to do what we can to inform everyone we know about how phony and dangerous Kamala Harris is.

If you think this post is informative, please do whatever you can to share it with your family and friends. This election may be decided by who wins the information war, the people, or the PM. Thank you, Bob

This Post Has One Comment

  1. David Christman

    Everything she says is a lie, she is saying what she thinks she needs to say to get elected.

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