We Have Reached A Critical ‘Y’ In The Road To Our Country’s Future. Will Common Sense Prevail?

I’ve never pretended to be anything other than an average American. An elderly common man. My age gives me the advantage of historical perspective not available to younger people. For many months I have spent a lot of time trying to understand the meanness, ugliness, and growing vitriol, that has gripped our nation for too many years. The vicious name calling does nothing to enhance the lives of the people. It is geared to mollify the base of each of the political Partys. The rest of us get caught up in the crossfire and are treated as collateral damage. It is up to us to sort through all of the subterfuge to make decisions that will preserve the freedoms we have enjoyed for the last 250 years. We must see that those freedoms are passed on to our children and grandchildren as our ancestors did for us.

We are facing the most consequential election of our lives. Not because of personalities, but because of ideologies. Since the end of WWII, we have lived through an unprecedented period of increased prosperity. That prosperity lulled us to sleep. As the government continued to attack our freedom with higher taxes and a mountain of growth stifling regulations, we shrugged and partied on. The Progressive Left is still clamoring for more control over our lives. We are experiencing a complete reversal of the values we have held dear for generations. Our government has been successful in turning our entire value system upside down.

The people are exhibiting a clear desire for change, and to get the government off of our backs and out of our lives. I am not sure what the catalyst was that caused people to stand up and say, no more. There are probably many. Any of the following issues could have been that catalyst. Every item listed below is supported by the Democrat Party elites. If you vote for Democrats, you are voting for people who have supported the following issues.

1. The “Green new deal” is a global movement that has long claimed the world will be uninhabitable in some finite numbers of years. Its supporters, for decades, have told us that global warming will lead to our demise. (I am old enough to remember when the “science” told us the existential threat to mankind was global cooling). We have been told what kind of toilets, light bulbs, lawn mowers, stoves, and automobiles we will be forced to purchase. These, and future edicts, will eventually cost us our freedom. Nobody asked for input from we the people. Nobody has mentioned what the movement to solar panels will mean to a growing global population. It is estimated that 10 million acres of land, mostly prime farmland, will be needed to provide our electricity needs by 2050. That is 10 million acres of land that will not produce corn, soybeans, wheat, etc. for a growing global population. The Green new deal left unchecked, will impoverish the American people and cause mass starvation in poor countries. Global elites who continue to fly their private jets, ride in their chauffer driven limousines, and live in their multiple mansions, can’t be bothered by such minor issues while striving to control our lives. 2. For the last 4 years, American citizens have seen an unprecedented number of people entering our country illegally. The actual number, depending on who is reporting, may be somewhere between 10 and 20 million people. That is a huge number that creates a spider web of additional problems. They are costing American citizens hundreds of billions of dollars to feed, clothe, educate, house, and provide with health care. The vast majority of opioids enter the U.S. through Mexico. The Biden/Harris open border policies are directly responsible for the opioid, largely fentanyl, overdoses of hundreds of thousands of Americans. Too many of the illegal aliens are murdering, raping, and assaulting American citizens. They are ransacking and looting businesses without fear of reprisal. Even worse, Biden/Harris have misplaced/lost approximately 325,000 minor children who crossed the border unattended. Every time I write about these children it makes me ill. In spite of the above, for over 3 years we were told, repeatedly, that the border was secure. It was only when polling showed the border crisis was hurting the Harris campaign that she paid any attention to it at all. 3. Inflation has had a crippling effect on the elderly, and other citizens on fixed income. Kamala has absolutely no idea what causes inflation. The simple definition of inflation is: Too much money chasing too few goods. Given that definition it would follow that a major cause of inflation is trillions of dollars of deficit spending by our government. Kamala’s answer is to forgive as much as a trillion dollars of student loans, give $25,000 to first time home buyers, and a $50,000 tax credit for small business startups. We don’t have the money to pay for any of these, so they will be added to our monstrous national debt. Each of the above handouts will cause an increase in inflation. A second major factor is the Biden/Harris attack on the fossil fuel industry. That attack caused the price of gasoline to skyrocket to its highest price ever. Those policies caused the prices of every product that is a derivative of petroleum to skyrocket too. That includes groceries, farm fertilizer, plastics, and hundreds of other products Americans use every day. Kamala’s answer to higher grocery prices is to push for the first federal law banning price gouging. The average profit margin for grocers is between 1 and 2%. Hardly price gouging. The reason it would be the first federal law banning price gouging is that price controls have failed everywhere they have been tried. Her proposal would require another government agency, which is inflationary, and will have little impact on reducing inflation. It is hard to imagine that Harris will be able to fix inflation if she doesn’t understand what causes it. 4. What about the lawlessness that has exploded nationally during the last 4 years? While Governor Tim Walz watched the biggest city in his state burn, Harris solicited donations to provide bail for the arsonists who struck the matches. The Progressive Left, including Harris, has consistently pushed for defunding the police. Kamala calls it “reimagining law enforcement.” While serving as California’s Attorney General she helped write legislation allowing thieves to steal up to $950 of merchandise before they could be prosecuted. Her tenure ushered in the lawlessness that is rampant in California today. 5. It is Democrats who have taken opportunities away from women/girls and put their safety at risk. They have fought to change the meaning of the word sex so as to allow men/boys to compete for positions on women/girl’s athletic teams. Because they are bigger, stronger, and faster, it is understood that males have a competitive advantage over females in most sports. Dems. demand that men/boys be allowed to dress, undress, and shower, with women/girls. Young women are finally beginning to stand up against these abuses. That adults are not leading the charge for our daughters and granddaughters is shameful. We can begin by voting out the Democrats who are taking away their privacy and putting their health in danger. 6. For decades we have seen the slow erosion of our values. We have silently allowed the socialist Left to change the national narrative. We are told there is no such thing as right, or wrong, or “the truth”. They preach that we each have our own truth. Sane people know better. The truth is the truth, even if the majority calls it a lie. They tell us that if we are against abortion we hate women. Of course that is false. If we want to stop the flow of illegal aliens, they call us racists. Nothing could be further from the truth. If we believe that boys who “identify” as girls are still boys, they call us homophobes. We are just following the science. Any speech that disagrees with them is labeled hate speech. The name calling is designed to shut us up. Until recently, as more of us ignore their nonsense, that ploy was largely successful. 7. Progressive Dems. actions have hinted for years that our children don’t belong to us, but to the State. Here in Michigan, Democrat led changes to the School Aid Act now allow schools to refer students to abortion clinics. or assist them in attaining abortions. That is unbelievable. That schools can do so without notifying parents is unconscionable. Our inattention allowed schools to teach Critical Race Theory, introduce drag queen reading hours to elementary school children, and introduce inappropriate books into grade school libraries. If there was a silver lining to the COVID pandemic, it is that parents who were forced to stay home saw what their children were learning in their remote lessons. And we were appalled. That led to parental activism the likes of which we have never seen. Our involvement in our kid’s curriculum was overdue and has shaken school administrators. Hooray for those parents who have bravely pushed forward demanding change. 8. To sum up. All of the following are supported by Democrats/Kamala Harris. Law enforcement officers need a tighter leash, criminals run free. We are required to show ID when buying cigarettes, alcohol, prescriptions, hunting/fishing licenses, and to board a plane, but not always to vote. They would force people who never owned slaves to pay reparations to people who were never enslaved. They would require taxpayers to foot the bill for sex change operations for prison inmates. Not whacky enough? We would also have to pay for sex change operations for illegal aliens. They support the mutilation of minors in what they euphemistically call “gender affirming surgery” (sex change surgery). They believe that boys can be girls, and girls can be boys, simply by wishing it so. Yet, Dems. insist they are the party of science.

We have arrived at the proverbial Y in the road to our future. We can vote for Kamala Harris and Democrats, and continue on the road to the Left. That will lead to more control over our lives. It will continue to grow our national debt beyond recognition. Criminals will continue to put law enforcement officer’s safety at risk. We will see a continued flow of illegals. We will have to pay higher prices for the things we buy. Our children, especially our daughters and granddaughters, will lose opportunities to compete and be put at greater risk when they do. Or we can vote for Donald Trump and Republicans and continue on the Right road. For the first time we will have a vigorous commission tasked to cut government waste and fraud, led by Elon Musk. We will regain control of our southern border and see inflation drop to acceptable levels, like we saw the first time Trump was President. Police officers will be respected again. Boys and girls will have to use those bathrooms and locker rooms, and compete on the teams designated by their sex at birth. Don’t forget that there were no wars started while Trump was President. I pray that common sense and time-tested American values will win out. If you are undecided, please consider the above before making your decision.

Thank you for reading my latest words. If you think they have merit, please share them with others. Thank you, Bob

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Linda Swanger Ackerman

    I voted on Wednesday, with everything you have written about here. With my votes I voted to restore our country and our freedom! Thank you my friend for your continued efforts and hard work to inform people. May God bless America and restore his protection for all . Especially our children and grandchildren!

    1. bobwolf

      Well said my friend. With last night’s results we have a legitimate reason for optimism. Bob

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