Joe Biden Was Correct. We Are In A War For The Soul Of America.

President Biden’s history of making bad decisions is recognized by friends and foes alike. Robert Gates, former Secretary of Defense under President Obama, was quoted as saying, “Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” Even his previous boss, Barack Obama, was rumored to have said, “Never underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.” But Joe’s statement about being at war for the soul of our country, was correct, (I think we can chalk it up to the law of averages. As my dad used to say after I’d hit a good golf shot, “even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while”). Americans are in a war for the soul of the greatest nation on earth. Until very recently the war only had one combatant, the Progressive Left (PL). As the invading force they were keenly aware of what they were doing. Conservatives have just recently awakened to that fact. Right now we have a decision to make. Do we sit silently, waiting for a courageous leader to save us? Or, do we band together and start the long process of retaking our country?

I suggest that time is running out for a white knight to come and save us. The Socialists, or PL, will do anything to keep such a white knight from being successful. I challenge every person who loves their country to ask themselves the following questions. Why is the PL, who impeached the last white knight, feverishly trying to jail, or at least to derail, the campaign of its leading opposition candidate? Why are they attempting to discredit lifelong Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr.? Would they have won the last election had it not been for the government led censorship of Conservatives by the social media? Lastly, do you think those guilty of all of the above, would hesitate to cheat if it meant they would win the 2024 election? If you answer no, you are either a part of the PL, or you are desperately, perhaps fatally, naive.

Back when the PL held little sway in Congress, or with the American people, they were careful to just ‘suggest’ new government programs/handouts. They were happy to hide inside the Liberal caucus. Many of their ideas were so innocuous they attracted bipartisan support from many Republicans. Over a couple/few decades, the PL has taken control of the Democrat Party. Their ideas are no longer innocuous. They are recklessly sewing fear and creating chaos in this great country.

The PL is working to defund police departments and to release massive numbers of convicted criminals. They are refusing to prosecute people who commit a laundry list of crimes. Each of the above puts predators back on our city streets. President Biden’s immigration policies have resulted in many cities being overrun with illegal immigrants. You may say, that’s not my problem. Think again. Illegals clog emergency rooms causing citizens to endure longer waiting times. Our government is rushing to feed, clothe, shelter, and provide health care for millions of illegals. This costs an unknown amount (many billions) of taxpayer dollars. In that we don’t have this money the government prints additional dollars. The printing of dollars ALWAYS increases the rate of inflation. It is every American’s problem.

After taking control of the Democrat Party, the PL amplified its voice many fold. They bully their Democrat friends and terrify anyone with whom they disagree. With help from the press/media, those voices have drowned out most dissent. Had we been paying attention we would have seen it. In 2012 President Obama’s administration produced a slide show titled: “The life of Julia.” It predicted how his government would guide the life of an imaginary girl from birth to death. One might call it the Obama manifesto. With this slide show the PL officially moved to the front of the Democrat Party. At that moment, they graduated from relative obscurity to a megaphone in your face, comply or die, attitude.

The ultimate goal of the PL, and Socialists everywhere, is to grow government and to take control over citizens lives. They are demanding that Americans give up many of the values that go to the heart of what has made America great. They are aggressively pushing to change our culture. They are lobbying to change the meaning of things and words that are important to us. There is a constant battle being waged by the PL to get rid of the terms mother, and woman. Recently, my woke PL Governor Whitmer, used the term “menstruating people” for those the rest of us know as women. The latest member to join the Supreme Court hemmed and hawed then refused to answer when asked to define the word woman. One of the 9 people tasked with deciding very complex constitutional issues can’t define woman? How does that make you feel Bunky? Finally, the Biden administration has replaced the word mother with the term “birthing person” in all Maternal Health Guidance material. The party that avers to be the party of women’s rights is actively trying to minimize them. (I wonder if the term father will be replaced with the term “fertilizer”. Given the PL’s disdain for heterosexual, white, males, this term could carry a double meaning).

We are clearly engaged in a war for the soul of America. The good news is that Conservatives are finally engaging. Until a couple of years ago that was not the case. Even today, the PL is playing Rugby while Conservatives are playing flag football. It is time for Americans who love their children, grandchildren, and country, to confront the PLs whenever the opportunity arises. We must contact our elected representatives when they don’t do what we want, or what they promised. We must attend their Town Hall meetings. It is imperative that we replace those who won’t do our bidding. Let’s elect a white night and then commit to fight like hell to help him pass his agenda. It is critical that we strive to get the truth in the hands of Independents and traditional Liberals. We must convert the fence sitters.(Most of them agree with us). We still have the opportunity to stand against tyranny. If we choose to remain silent, our children and grandchildren will not have that same opportunity. The time is now.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. If you think it has value, please share it with as many people as you can. Bob

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Denise Herman

    You are spot on. This just breaks my heart to think that this is the country my children and grands will inherit.

    1. bobwolf

      It doesn’t have to be. There is still time for us to take our country back. Time is definitely running out.

  2. Charlie Heeringa

    We strongly feel that RFK jr is really the only choice available.

    1. bobwolf

      I am not ready to agree with you right now. He certainly checks off a few boxes. He is honest, if there is such a thing as an honest politician. He seems to be a traditional Liberal, I am okay with that. I like that he doesn’t need the money, so he probably won’t be bought. I still need to know more about his ideas and his seriousness. It really doesn’t matter, he isn’t far enough to the Left for the Democrat Party. I can’t see them nominating him.

  3. Michael Chamberlain

    Amen and amen

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